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PCS Review 2018.png

ISSN: 2961-3426

Published by:

Philippines Communication Society

Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Metro Manila

1101 Philippines


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The PCS Review is an annual refereed (double blind review) official publication of the Philippines Communication Society (PCS). The PCS is a regular member of the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC). PCS represents the communication discipline in the Council. PSSC is a non-stock non-profit governmental organization that promotes the social sciences.



The PCS Review aims to achieve the following:

  1. To present highlights of major communication research studies that will contribute to the development and enrichment of the communication discipline particularly in the Philippines;

  2. To contribute to the growth of discourse and scholarship in the communication discipline and professionalism in the practice;

  3. To keep track of, document and analyze communication media studies; and

  4. To recognize contributions of outstanding communication scholars, educators, and practitioners particularly to the growth of the communication discipline.


Guidelines for Contributors

Contributions to PCS Review may be in any of the following forms:


Articles. These are research-based write-ups that present updated or new information and knowledge on the various areas of communication including journalism, films, advertising and public relations, digital and multimedia, traditional and folk media, and communication education and research. The PCS Review research article must follow the scientific paper format, and thus, will contain the following sections: Introduction and Rationale, Statement of the Problem and Objectives, Study Framework, Research Design, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions and Recommendations. Manuscripts for articles must not exceed 10, 000 words inclusive of references tables and graphics. Articles submitted to PCS Review are double blind peer reviewed.


Essays. These are expository works on current and emerging communication media issues that are expected to contribute to the development and/or enrichment of communication framework, model, and theory especially in the Philippine context. Manuscripts for essays must not exceed 5,000 words inclusive of references tables and graphics.


Reviews. Objective critique of media and communication outputs such as books, modules, films, video documentaries, websites, and multimedia materials. The review must include a complete citation of the media output and the name and institutional affiliation of the reviewer at the end of the article. Manuscripts for essays must not exceed 3,000 words inclusive of references tables and graphics.


Commentaries and Speeches. In-depth analysis of global, national, or local development issues and the role of communication media in addressing these issues. These may also be presentations of current and emerging communication media issues in conferences or fora by distinguished leaders in communication. Manuscripts for essays must not exceed 4,000 words inclusive of references tables and graphics, interviews.


Interviews. Interactions or discussion with media personalities and communication professionals or practitioners on relevant communication- related issues and insights.


Submission Procedure

Authors should submit an electronic copy of the manuscript in MSWord format to the Editor in Chief or Issue Editor to the following email: Papers submitted must be original, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Upon their publication in the PCS Review, the PCS has exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article. Manuscripts must follow the number of words requirement set above. They should be in English, typed double-space on 8.5 x 11-inch paper.


Each manuscript submitted should be accompanied by an abstract of the paper (not exceeding 300 words) and a list of up to five keywords that are suitable and useful for indexing, abstracting, and online searching. The keywords should not be words already included in the title of the article.


The PCS Review uses the APA Style for citation. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines on reference style format. 


A brief biographical note about the author of about 150 words should also be submitted on a separate sheet.


Manuscript Review Procedure

Manuscripts submitted from January to June of a particular year will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in the annual issue for release in December of that year. The months of July to November are reserved for manuscript review, refereeing, editing, revision, layout, and printing.


Each manuscript submitted is double blind reviewed by distinguished media and communication experts appointed by the Issue Editor and Editor-in-Chief. The criteria for review and selection include the following: (a) conformity with the editorial requirements of the journal/publication, (b) contribution to the attainment of the objectives of the publication; and (c) conformity with legal, ethical and moral standards, e.g., the article is not libelous, and d) scholarly rigour.

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