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About Us

Philippines Communication Society (PCS), incorporated in June 1987, is an organization of communication scholars, researchers, media executives, public information officers, corporate communication officers, communication professionals and students engaged in the promotion of communication as a social science discipline.


Stalwarts in communication research and media education such as Florangel Braid, Alice Villadolid, Ramon Tuazon, Rod Cornejo, Gerry Josue, Joey Alagaran, Ariel Sebellino, and Lourdes Portus were past presidents.


It is the organization that represents the communication discipline to the Philippine Social Science Council. The Philippine Social Science Council is a non-stock, non-sectarian, non-profit, non-governmental organization of professional social science associations geared towards the consolidation of Philippine social science resources.


PCS conducts and co-convenes forums and conferences for communication educators and students and media practitioners. Its operations are being managed by fifteen trustees who comprised the working Board of the organization. Its current secretariat office is at PSSC Building, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City.


The association was incorporated on 21 December 1987. Its charter members consisted of communication leaders in the media, academic, public, and international development sectors:​

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